The desktop geolocation service consists of capturing and managing desktops that reside on your network. This means knowing what they are, where they are, and who is using them. It is about keeping a precise, up-to-date database containing the desktop geolocation and information for each piece of equipment your organization owns. When you manage the active desktop geolocation, you should be able to see the current state of any notebook in your network infrastructure. Desktop geolocation is essential for efficient computer control and inventory of software assets that are present in him. Automated desktop geolocation is the only way to be truly up-to-date - IT systems change continuously throughout their lifecycle. Components can be added or removed, software installed or uninstalled. Even in small IT networks, there will always be growth and change, and managing desktop geolocation manually is virtually impossible. The goal of desktop geolocation is to have a complete, updated, and accurate view of all network components. In addition to desktop geolocation, the Easy Inventory service includes desktops, servers, printers, hubs, routers, switches, and software. At a minimum, the desktop geolocation should tell you what type of device and what is installed on the device. For any given period of time, desktop geolocation provides the "real" state of all components of the infrastructure. This means that you know what you have and where it is located - across the enterprise network. Desktop geolocation is built based on your network inventory. Desktop geolocation covers the life cycle of the desktops present in your inventory. You will have access to the entire desktop geolocation of the last 6 months. Thus, it is possible to create 'Electronic Fences', limiting the area of use based on the desktop geolocation. With EasyInventory, you can control the entire IT network of your company simply and quickly.