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Unlike other inventory-only solutions, Easy Inventory's proposition is to provide an extremely easy, automatic, fast and low-cost IT asset management service that is accessible to all sizes of companies without the need for experts and without investments in infrastructure !!!

Meet Easy Inventory in 1 minute

All information is sent to a Cloud server, making it immediately available on a personalized site for queries and management of your assets.
To know more

How does it work ?

Through a resident agent, Easy Inventory automatically collects hardware and software data from the equipment, which is sent to a Cloud server and immediately available on a personalized website for consultation and management of your assets.

It allows you to view details of hardware configurations and software licenses installed. Perform performance analysis, create administrative fields and register all the peripherals you wish.

Our differences:

Geolocation of all equipment (including Laptops and desktops)

Cloud Service with Immediate Implementation

Extremely easy and very intuitive, the training takes no more than 2 hours

Automatic alerts

(any HW or SW changes will be known via e-mail and at the platform)

Geolocation – Notebooks, Desktops and Servers

Through proprietary know-how, all equipment will have their physical location registered, to be consulted via Google Maps.
All the geolocations from the last 6 months will be available for consultation!

All data can be exported to Excel.
It will also be possible to define electronic fences limiting the area of use of each equipment, if the equipment exceeds the pre-defined limits an alarm (via e-mail) will be sent to the Administrator of the environment.

Geolocation Smartphones and Tablets

All Mobiles will be tracked permanently, our records will show the last 6 months. One or more electronic fences can be defined to control the perimeter of the equipment's use and who is using them.

Google Maps will graphically show the entire route and the kilometers traveled.
Ideal resource for those who have external professionals (field technicians, sales representatives, deliverers, etc.).


All equipment (Servers, Desktops, Laptops, Tablets and Smartphones) will be tracked daily and permanently, our records will show the geolocation of the last 6 months. 

It is not necessary to install any hardware with GPS on those desktops and notebooks, the identification of Geolocation is done entirely by software.

Automatic Alerts

Automatic alerts will be set up so that you receive notifications (e-mails) as soon as changes deemed critical are detected, such as: changes in hw, installation or uninstallation of Sw, Geofence limits, slow equipment, CPU consumption, space in disc, expiration of warranty, contracts and much more. 

This resource becomes indispensable for IT Asset Management, as it is impossible to know precisely the changes that occurred in the environment manually.

Software License Control (SAM)

We show the use of licenses identifying all irregularities. You will be able to control the expiration and costs of all licenses. It is possible to identify the installed and unused licenses (Sw metering),allowing the relocation or uninstallation of them, optimizing costs. 

Unauthorized software and Apps (Blacklist) will be identified, improving users productivity

Software Deploy

With Easy Inventory you can install and uninstall software on a massive scale, creating standards for your entire company quickly and efficiently, even if the equipment is outside your local network.

It also enables you to set up installation and uninstallation by equipment groups.

Remote Access

It will be possible to remotely access via the Internet or local network, share the desktop, conference online through a chat room, and also transfer files between the connected equipment.

With this feature you will be able to generate savings in time and travel costs, increasing productivity.

More details


The Rest API is a set of web services that provide an interface to query the information contained in the Easy Inventory database. 

With this feature, you can access any Easy Inventory data to integrate into any database in your company, such as CMDB, BI, Power BI, ERP and much more.

Capacity Planning

Through detailed graphics, the Capacity Planning will be shown, pointing out the CPU, memory, and disk usage tendency of all equipment, based on the usage history of the last 6 months, allowing a pro-active management of your environment.

Performance Analysis

Performance analysis of all equipment will be done.
Showing the CPU, memory and disk consumption, where CPU and memory will be shown the average of the last 3 months, daily and weekly consumption. 
The "Disk Health" and the temperature of the last 7 days of the CPU will be shown.

Performance analysis

Performance analysis will be made of all equipment.
Showing the CPU, memory and disk consumption, and CPU and memory will be shown the average of the last 3 months, daily and weekly consumption.
"Disk Health" and last 7 days CPU temperature will be displayed

Capacity Planning

Through detailed graphs, Capacity Planning will be shown, pointing to the trend of utilization of CPU, memory and disk of all equipment, based on the usage history of the last 6 months, allowing a proactive management of your environment.

Digital Term of Responsibility

The digital Term of Responsibility brings several advantages to the companies.

Firstly, efficiency is increased, since paper documentation takes time and resources to store, organize and retrieve. With the digital version, documents can be easily accessed, shared, and securely archived. Meeting one of the requirements of the LGPD.


Through the Linear method, the depreciation of the Assets will be permanently calculated, where through a specific report the status of the depreciation (total or pending with the balance) will be shown.

Peripheral Discovery

With this feature will be identified all equipment that have some IP in your network, as well as equipment such as routers, printers, scanners, IP phones, will be shown and can be classified and sent to the registration of peripherals

SSO Login Authentication

Single Sign-On (SSO) is an authentication and authorization method that allows a user to log in with a single ID. It is a tool that gives more convenience and security to the day to day, integrated with your AD (Active Directory).

Contract Control

Any type of contract can be registered, including with suppliers, with the main data: start/end dates, values, etc. and also attach a scanned copy. 

An Alert will be generated 30 days in advance notifying you of the expiration.

Supply Control

Details of all IT supplies, stock quantities, minimum stock, and stock levels.

With specific areas to register incoming and outgoing supplies, registration of supply types and various stock locations.

Unique alert for when the minimum stock falls below the defined limit.


  • Cloud Service
  • "Lightweight" agent generating low CPU and traffic consumption and traffic when sending data
  • Accurately inventories hw and sw data in seconds
  • Environments: Windows, Linux, MacOS, Chrome, iOS and Android
  • Makes the Geolocation and traceability of all equipment (Laptops, Desktops and Servers)
  • Electronic Fence
  • More than 30 automatic alerts
  • Software license control (SAM)
  • Control the expiration of software licenses
  • Software metering
  • Points out the use of prohibited softwares (Blacklist)
  • Software Deploy, install on a local network or over the Internet
  • Remote Access
  • API for integration with any external system
  • Identifies equipment with low performance and the causes of slowdowns
  • Controls thefts and robberies of equipment or components
  • Allows remote formatting of equipment in case of loss or theft

  • Term of responsibility
  • Messaging
  • USB Lock
  • Multi-company
  • Allows unlimited listing of administrative fields
  • Allows unlimited cataloging of peripherals: printers, routers, scanners, Ips phones
  • Allows unlimited PDF and JPG file uploads to document all assets
  • Performs integration and auditing on Microsoft AD users
  • SSO Login Authentication
  • Controls the equipment in stock and maintenance
  • It controls contracts, with expiration alerts
  • Controls the expiration of the equipment's warranty
  • Supply Control
  • Control the depreciation of all equipment
  • Controls preventive maintenance
  • Controls the physical health of the disks
  • Dashboard with various reports and graphs
  • BitLocker Status Control
  • Secure Boot Status Control
  • English, Portuguese and Spanish versions

Easy Inventory is the best answer to your company's issues ...

How many equipment are in activity?

How many are in stock or in maintenance?

Where are the equipment physically (Geolocation)?

Where were your equipment in the last 6 months (tracking)?

Did they leave the defined perimeter (electronic fence)?

How is the performance of all the equipment? Which are slower? What are the causes?

What processes (software) consume the most resources (CPU and memory) in your company?

Which Apps consume more features on Tablets / Smartphones?
• How many calls were made? How many minutes have been spent?

 How are software licenses (irregular or over-bought)?

Which software is installed and not being used?

Which hardware or software was installed or uninstalled WITHOUT authorization?

Where are the documents (NF, term of responsibility, etc …) of the equipment?

How are the warranty periods for equipment and software licenses?

How can I have all this without the need for infrastructure and technical expertise and low cost?
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