Asset Management is a “movie” where management is permanent, a basic inventory is a “photograph” where it shows the static position of the assets.
Easy inventory goes beyond a simple inventory, since it takes this “photo”, but as it has a permanent action, it generates a “movie” of the whole technological park, controlling in detail all the TI equipment, being thus a strategic tool for an effective control of the park installed.
In the market there are several tools of very high level, but in addition to being complex and high cost, require expert professionals who will also have a high cost. Therefore, only large companies have the capital to have effective control of their technological park, and yet they have difficulties maintaining this control by the sophistication of the tools used.
There are many Free solutions in the market, but they are not so easy to implement and once again it will be necessary to invest in infrastructure (Server and all its “around” like Nobreak, Backup routines, etc …) and also in specialized professionals, who in Brazil in the CLT regime have a high cost, even if they have not so high wages.