What are assets?

Assets represent all items in the organization where information is created, processed, stored, transmitted, or discarded. Asset management is critical to prioritizing investments and focusing efforts on the most critical assets that sustain the organization’s processes. IT asset management is a job that identifies and catalogs the physical assets of an organization to ascertain whether an asset exists in the company, whether it is in its proper location, and whether it is being used by the right people, within a useful life appropriate.

Statisc data

Below we have statistical data that show that the control of IT Assets is extremely important for companies: According to data from the Gartner Group:

• With IT asset life cycle (systemic) management, there may be a 30% reduction per asset in the first year and a 5% to 10% reduction in subsequent ones.

• About 25% of companies around the world have some kind of IT asset management tool. (In Brazil, due to the size of the companies, this figure is much lower)

• Lack of knowledge of the types of hardware, software, and installed peripherals results in IT costs rising by about 7 to 10 percent a year to plan expansions and maintain the network.

• Twenty percent of software licensing and maintenance costs are with equipment that is no longer in use
According to Aberdeen Group, more than 50 percent of companies worldwide are using manual labor intensive and highly error prone processes to conduct inventories and monitor their IT assets. In Brazil, this number is much higher compared to the rest of the world

39% of information leaks are from lost or stolen IT assets (Verizon Business Risk) 20% of software license and equipment maintenance expenses are with equipment that is no longer in use (Gartner Research).

Most companies do not know how much equipment they have or how they are being used, but lack of control creates losses and wastes, as IT equipment constantly changes and upgrades. Without control, planning is compromised.

Nowadays, with several mobile devices (Smartphones and Tablets) and BYOD, the control required for companies is becoming increasingly complex and costly.


Protect the assets of your company.
If we raise the total investments that a company made or makes in hardware and software, we will arrive at surprising numbers, to give an example:

100 equipment with an average cost of R$ 3,000 per equipment, considering hardware and software licenses, we will reach R$ 300,000.

500 equipments = R$ 1.500.000

1.000 equipments = R$ 3.000.000

Believe it!, companies seldom have control of this equity!

Many companies control their fleet of automobiles better than IT assets, even if the values involved in automobiles are much lower than those of IT equipment.

Easy Inventory to assist in Asset Management and Control

Asset Management is a “movie” where management is permanent, a basic inventory is a “photograph” where it shows the static position of the assets.

Easy inventory goes beyond a simple inventory, since it takes this “photo”, but as it has a permanent action, it generates a “movie” of the whole technological park, controlling in detail all the TI equipment, being thus a strategic tool for an effective control of the park installed.

In the market there are several tools of very high level, but in addition to being complex and high cost, require expert professionals who will also have a high cost. Therefore, only large companies have the capital to have effective control of their technological park, and yet they have difficulties maintaining this control by the sophistication of the tools used.

There are many Free solutions in the market, but they are not so easy to implement and once again it will be necessary to invest in infrastructure (Server and all its “around” like Nobreak, Backup routines, etc …) and also in specialized professionals, who in Brazil in the CLT regime have a high cost, even if they have not so high wages.
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